Uppalapati Venkata Satyanarayana Prabhas Raju known mononymously as Prabhas, is an Indian actor who works predominantly in Telugu films. Prabhas made his screen debut with the 2002 Telugu action drama film Eeswar. He has garnered the state Nandi Award for Best Actor, for his role in Mirchi. Prabhas is the first south Indian actor to have his wax sculpture at Madame Tussaud's wax museum. Prabhas - The Only Indian Actor with All Time Records in Indian Cinema: - All-India Industry Hits: 1 - Industry Hits in India/Nepal: 2 - Movies with ₹1100 Crore+ Collections: 2 - Movies with ₹1000 Crore Nett Collections: 1 - Highest Box-Office Pull in a Decade: 5300CR+ - Movies with ₹100 Crore+ Day 1 Advance Bookings: 2 - Movies with ₹700 Crore+ Gross Collections: 3 - Movies with ₹550 Crore+ Weekends: 2 - Days with ₹100 Crore+ Worldwide Gross: 16 - Movies with ₹600 Crore+ Nett Collections: 2 - ₹100 Crore+ Nett Movies in Dubbed Languages: 6 - Non-Theatrical Business of ₹500 Crore Opening Records: - ₹175 Crore+ Openings Worldwide: 3 - ₹100 Crore+ Openings Worldwide: 5 - ₹70 Crore+ Openings Worldwide: 7 - 1 Crore+ Opening Day Footfalls: 1 - 50 Lakh+ Opening Day Footfalls: 5 - ₹90 Crore+ Nett Opening Day from India: 5 - ₹100 Crore+ Gross Opening Day from India Alone: 5 - Opening Day Advance Bookings of ₹50 Crore+ in India: 4 Endless List...