The Ultimate Fighter is an American reality television series and mixed martial arts (MMA) competition produced by the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) and Pilgrim Media Group currently airing on ESPN+. It previously aired for fourteen seasons on Spike TV. The show features professional MMA fighters living together in Las Vegas, Nevada, and follows them as they train and compete against each other for a prized six-figure contract with the UFC. The series debuted on January 17, 2005.
1 x Application (87.01%) | 153ms |
1 x Booting (12.98%) | 22.79ms |
select * from `posts` where `slug` = 'the-ultimate-fighter' and `type` = 'tv' and `status` = 'publish' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `post_episodes` where `post_id` = 38514 and `status` = 'publish' and `season_number` = '12' and `episode_number` = '8' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `genres`.*, `post_genres`.`post_id` as `pivot_post_id`, `post_genres`.`genre_id` as `pivot_genre_id` from `genres` inner join `post_genres` on `genres`.`id` = `post_genres`.`genre_id` where `post_genres`.`post_id` = 38514
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `posts` where `type` = 'tv' and exists (select * from `genres` inner join `post_genres` on `genres`.`id` = `post_genres`.`genre_id` where `posts`.`id` = `post_genres`.`post_id` and 0 = 1) and `id` != 38514 and `status` = 'publish' order by RAND() limit 8
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `post_seasons` where `post_seasons`.`id` = 8909 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `countries` where `countries`.`id` = 250 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `post_videos` where `post_videos`.`Postable_type` = 'App\\Models\\PostEpisode' and `post_videos`.`Postable_id` = 135926 and `post_videos`.`Postable_id` is not null and not `type` = 'download'
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `post_episodes` where `post_season_id` = 8909 and `episode_number` < 8 order by `episode_number` desc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `post_episodes` where `post_season_id` = 8909 and `episode_number` > 8 order by `episode_number` asc limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `post_seasons` where `post_id` = 38514 and `id` = 8909 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `post_seasons` where `post_seasons`.`post_id` = 38514 and `post_seasons`.`post_id` is not null
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `post_episodes` where `post_episodes`.`post_season_id` = 8909 and `post_episodes`.`post_season_id` is not null and `status` = 'publish'
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `posts` where `posts`.`id` = 38514 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `post_seasons` where `post_seasons`.`id` = 8909 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `posts` where `posts`.`id` = 38514 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `post_seasons` where `post_seasons`.`id` = 8909 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `posts` where `posts`.`id` = 38514 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `post_seasons` where `post_seasons`.`id` = 8909 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `posts` where `posts`.`id` = 38514 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `post_seasons` where `post_seasons`.`id` = 8909 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `posts` where `posts`.`id` = 38514 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `post_seasons` where `post_seasons`.`id` = 8909 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `posts` where `posts`.`id` = 38514 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `post_seasons` where `post_seasons`.`id` = 8909 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `posts` where `posts`.`id` = 38514 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `post_seasons` where `post_seasons`.`id` = 8909 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `posts` where `posts`.`id` = 38514 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `post_seasons` where `post_seasons`.`id` = 8909 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `posts` where `posts`.`id` = 38514 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `post_seasons` where `post_seasons`.`id` = 8909 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `posts` where `posts`.`id` = 38514 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `post_seasons` where `post_seasons`.`id` = 8909 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `posts` where `posts`.`id` = 38514 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `post_seasons` where `post_seasons`.`id` = 8909 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `posts` where `posts`.`id` = 38514 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `post_seasons` where `post_seasons`.`id` = 8909 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `posts` where `posts`.`id` = 38514 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `post_seasons` where `post_seasons`.`id` = 8909 limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `advertisements` where `id` = 1 and `status` = 'publish' limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select count(*) as aggregate from `reactions` where `reactions`.`reactable_type` = 'App\\Models\\Post' and `reactions`.`reactable_id` = 38514 and `reactions`.`reactable_id` is not null and `reaction` = 'like'
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select count(*) as aggregate from `reactions` where `reactions`.`reactable_type` = 'App\\Models\\Post' and `reactions`.`reactable_id` = 38514 and `reactions`.`reactable_id` is not null and `reaction` = 'dislike'
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `peoples`.*, `post_peoples`.`post_id` as `pivot_post_id`, `post_peoples`.`people_id` as `pivot_people_id` from `peoples` inner join `post_peoples` on `peoples`.`id` = `post_peoples`.`people_id` where `post_peoples`.`post_id` = 38514
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `tags`.*, `post_tags`.`post_id` as `pivot_post_id`, `post_tags`.`tagged_id` as `pivot_tagged_id` from `tags` inner join `post_tags` on `tags`.`id` = `post_tags`.`tagged_id` where `post_tags`.`post_id` = 38514
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `post_videos` where `post_videos`.`Postable_type` = 'App\\Models\\PostEpisode' and `post_videos`.`Postable_id` = 135926 and `post_videos`.`Postable_id` is not null and `type` = 'download'
Bindings |
Backtrace |
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